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Biographies of Artists, Writers & others

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Name

notes on this index

  • Names are listed by proper surname. So Steve is listed as Steven or Stephen, Sam is Samuel..etc
  • Listings are by real name except in rare cases. Jack Kirby is not listed as Jacob Kurtzberg and Gil Kane is not listed as Eli Katz.
  • There are over 700 names listed here, but there are only 50 biographies as of 12/31/97. More will be added soon. Find the biographies easily by checking out the Quick Biography Link below.
  • These biographies cover individuals who are or have been connected to the history of American comics. As such famous publishers like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer are included. Some foreign artists and writers are included (like Moebius and Phillipe Druillet) because they have appeared popular in American publications.
  • This list is by no means complete and I wish to make it so. Do you know of an artist of other who is not listed? Please send me suggestions, biographies and checklists if you have one.
  • I need more information on people listed. Birthdate and other biographic data as is listed for many is wanted for all listed. Do you have some information you think I need. Please send it to me at..

Name listings -Short Biography List


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